A toast to music with the new Pra di Bosso Storico!
Lele Borghi, internationally famous Correggio-born drummer and musician, recorded his latest single, Zed, at our Arceto cellars, in the midst of our great steel barrels. And he dedicated his original Sofa Tour home concerts to Emilia and the history and culture of his homeland, a solo project which has taken him into the homes of many Italians and other Europeans.‘With a constantly changing common denominator, I play my songs with an acoustic guitar, alternating music and words, telling the stories of the people I’ve met in my travels around the world, anecdotes and curiosities relating to my life lived in the world of music. And between songs and stories there’s always time to talk about my homeland, Lambrusco and good food.’ Lele takes a few bottles of wine made by Emilia Wine to all his concerts, which always end with a drink in the audience’s company.