It has been a complex year, given a health and political situation whose closures and restrictions have inevitably slowed processes down, limited movements and made contact more difficult. 2021 was a positive year for our group all the same, a year of great change and achievements on various fronts. Ca’ Besina won a gold medal at the international Mundus Vini competition, Migliolungo was awarded an Etichetta d’Oro at Vinitaly Design International Packaging Competition and Pra di Bosso Storico played a centre stage role in a novel tour… And Casali Viticultori won back the place of honour it deserves, for its history, the importance of its products and the people who work here. We reorganised our ranges to diversify them, with orders and logics better suited to the marketplace, and created new labels for many of our wines to get this new message across in accordance with our company philosophy. This is not simply a matter of look – however popular it has been with clients and staff – but a contents tool and, as such, an expression of value. These are just some of our many reasons to be proud, demonstrating that the direction we are moving in is the right one. I would like to thank each one of you for your belief in the project and the part you have played, in your various ways, in bringing it to fruition. It is an ongoing adventure for all of us and I’m certain that many other satisfactions will come. I wish you a peaceful Christmas and a sparkling year new in 2022!
Marco Fasoli
Emilia Wine’s Commercial Manager